C# + ReSharper = Awesome: Tip #2 – Create Field

This is the second in a series of quick how-to posts on ReSharper.

Tip #2 – Create Field

Use: Within the body of a class or property, you can type the name of a non-existent variable name. When you place your cursor on the variable, ReSharper provides several options to resolve the impending compilation error. Create Field is one of the options.

   1:          public void AddAlbum(string album)
   2:          {
   3:              if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(album))
   4:                  throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("album",
   5:                                                        album,
   6:                                                        "Please provide an album name.");
   8:              _albums.Add(album);
   9:          }
Press <Alt+Enter>


        private IList<string> _albums = new List<string>();

        public void AddAlbum(string album)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(album))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("album",
                                                      "Please provide an album name.");


Note: I chose the type IList<string>. The default type selected by ReSharper in this case was object. I also added the initializer to the field to avoid null reference exceptions. Please don’t take any of these examples as best coding practices, they are contrived to demonstrate a particular refactoring.

Happy coding!


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Halo-Inspired Theme for Visual Studio

I will eventually get this posted to Studio Styles. Until then, here is a dark theme for Visual Studio that I created. The green and orange give it a Halo-ish feel. Let me know what you think in the comments.

HaloVibe theme in VS2010


HaloVibe theme for VS2008

HaloVibe theme for VS2010


Checking Out PLINQO to Generate LINQ to SQL Code with CodeSmith


PLINQOI’ve just started taking a look at PLINQO to generate LINQ to SQL code for a sample project I’m working on. So far, I’m impressed. PLINQO looks really promising. If you’re using CodeSmith, you should definitely take a look at it. If you haven’t tried CodeSmith for code generation in .NET, you can get a free trial.

I’ll be posting the sample application when it’s complete.



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