Dew Drop – August 9, 2010

Doing a bit of a dump today. I’m I a Windbg class this week, and do not have time to sort out the categories.

Jump to: Top Links | .NET / Visual Studio | Web Development | Design / Methodology / Testing | Silverlight / WPF / Windows Phone | Podcasts / Screencasts / Videos | Community / Events | Database | SharePoint | Miscellaneous | More Link Collections | The Geek Shelf


Top Links

IronRuby, A Match Made In… (Justin Etheredge)


.NET / Visual Studio

Setting the System Time (Richard Carr)

Adding Descriptive Text to Enumerations (Richard Carr)

Getting Started With cslim in Visual Studio 2010 Using the Command Line Tools (Brett Schuchert)

VS2010 Parallel Tasks – Debugging enhancement in VS2010 (Hima)

Giving away Programming C# 4 – one per week… (Jesse Liberty)

WCF Client Fault Size Limit (Sasha Goldshtein)

How To Change Visual Studio Default Editor (shair)

Create a Shortcut Key for a Macro (Zain Naboulsi)

Understanding Commands: Aliases (Zain Naboulsi)


Web Development

indieconf for freelance web professionals (Michael Kimsal)


Design / Methodology / Testing

“Bring out yer dead!” *clang* (Derick Bailey)

Success Patterns for Web Sites (J.D. Meier)

Day 8 – Dump Your Brain to Free Your Mind (J.D. Meier)

Day 9 – Prioritize Your Day with MUST, SHOULD, COULD (J.D. Meier)


Silverlight / WPF / Windows Phone

WP7 List Box Item Animation on bound data changes (MVVM) (Unknown Author)

Latest Book – Professional Silverlight 4 (Bill Evjen)

Windows Phone 7 launch events rumored for late August, ASUS device leak, and more (Brody McKee)

Silverlight Cream for August 08, 2010 — #921 (Dave Campbell)

MVP In Silverlight/WPF: Automated Tests (Davy Brion)

MVP In Silverlight/WPF: Conclusions (Davy Brion)

The New York Times Silverlight Kit Now on Windows Phone 7 on CodePlex (don)

Sample Update: Windows Phone 7 Example Application for Beta Tools (Jasonz)

Creating high performance Windows Phone apps – THE WHITEPAPER (Jeff Wilcox)

TiltContentControl for Windows Phone (Jeff Wilcox)

Windows Phone 7 App: Ave Comics (Joey deVilla)

Windows Phone 7 App: Deluxe Moon (Joey deVilla)

Caliburn.Micro Soup to Nuts Pt. 4 – Working with Windows Phone 7 (Rob Eisenberg)

WPF Class Library Reference Poster (Rob Relyea)

Software Should: “catch your eye and make you want to use it”. (Rob Relyea)

Cinch V2 Part 6 : Out Now (Also my 100th article at codeproject) (Sacha Barber)


Podcasts / Screencasts / Videos

Show 364: Madden NFL 11, online safety and more (Larry Hyrb)

TWC9: VS LightSwitch, Lab Management, IE9 PP4, VS Jeopardy (Dan Fernandez)

Episode 108: Mike Neel and Dylan Wolf on GameMarx (David Giard)


Community / Events

devLINK a Huge Success (Brad M. McGehee)

Firestarter Events Coming Your Way! (Jim O’Neil)



SQL Server Object Dependency Viewer Revisited (Chad Miller)

Some T-SQL, XML, DGML and Visual Studio 2010 and you get a very cool SQL Server Dependency Graph (Greg Duncan)

SSRS Helper Code : Convert a multivalue parameter to a comma delimited string (Jamie Thomson)

SQLAuthority News – Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (Pinal Dave)

SQLAuthority News – SQL Server Monitoring Management Pack Download (Pinal Dave)

SQLAuthority News – Risk and Health Assessment Program for Microsoft SQL Server – Scoping Tool v1.2 (Pinal Dave)

Misconceptions about unicode in SQL Server (Denis Gobo)



Free Webcast: Best Practices for Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint 2010 (Joel Oleson)

SharePoint Calculated Field from string to number (Wesley Bakker)



Launching the Browser (Kirupa)

A Snowball’s Chance In Hell : IronRuby (Karl Seguin)

Microsoft Research shows off a prototype ‘Menlo’ mobile phone (Mary Jo Foley)

Surface 3D Demo Part 2 (Dave)

Updates on DSLs In Action – Into Copy Editing (Debasish)

Apache Stonehenge M2 (Dmitry Lyalin)

Great article on Time to Market factors over at Vision Mobile (Don Burnett)

Monetize Your Windows 7 Phone Applications with AdMob (Don Burnett)

Calder Mobile Application X-Box Live Search View Preview (Don Burnett)

Web Platform Installer – Web Installation on Steroids (Gil Fink)

Typemock Summer Sale (Gil Zilberfeld)

How to verify a method call on a dependency (Gil Zilberfeld)

Information Architecture, Navigation Design, and Graphic Design (J.D. Meier)

Microsoft Drops Quadrant (Jean-Jacques Dubray)

More Tips for Writing A Technical Book (John Papa)

Don’t Parse That XML! (John Sonmez)

IronRuby and IronPython are NOT dead (John V. Petersen)

Scriplet: Display Connections Per User & Database (Larry Leonard)

Back to basics (Louis Salin)

Boiling the Ocean [Siege Update] (Marcus Bratton)

Software Craftsmanship Conference 2010 – Just Code (Michael Hunger)

Getting Started with Entity Framework 4.0 Screencast Recorded session from Cairo Code Camp – Part 4 (mosessaur)

#Ebook Deal of the Day: Inside Cyber Warfare – Only $9.99. Use code DDWRF (O’Reilly Media)

Observal (Paul Stovell)

Simple TriggerAction for docking using GridSplitters (Pavan Podila)

How I conquered a corrupt database ! (Pradeep Adiga)

Windows Azure Storage Can Be Confusing (Rinat Abdullin)

12 Things A Programmer Really Needs To Know (Rob Diana)

Coded UI Test – Tip 4 – Add Unused Controls to UI Map (Shai Raiten)


More Link Collections

Interesting Finds: August 8, 2010 (Jason Haley)

Weekly Link Post 156 (Rhonda Tipton)

Daily Cloud Feed – Aug 8, 2010 (Jian Zhen)

The Morning Brew #660 (Chris Alcock)

F# Discoveries This Week 08/08/2010 (Rick Minerich)


The Geek Shelf

Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition) by Stephen G. Kochan


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