Daily Bits – December 13, 2007

Initial Volta Thoughts

Using LINQ to Query Command Line Arguments

Microsoft’s .NET-Powered Windows Live Writer (via DotNetKicks)

Best C# Blogs (via DotNetKicks)

Guidance Explorer is Now on MSDN (via WinBeta)

Revving up SCSF and WCSF for VS2008

Sorting for Humans – Natural Sort Order

Debug Visualizer for SubSonic Collections (via DotNetKicks)

Rhino Mocks Quick Reference (via Mike Gunderloy)

Paint.NET 3.20 Final Available (via WinBeta)

MSBuild Sidekick 2.0 Beta Available (via WinBeta)

XNA Game Studio 2.0 Released

TFS2008 with WSS 3.0 SP1 & MOSS 2007 SP1?

Yahoo! Launches New WordPress Plugin

.NET Syntax Highlighter with Support for ~460 Syntaxes


Book of the Day: The Best Software Writing I: Selected and Introduced by Joel Spolsky

