Daily Bits – December 28, 2007

A Number of Annoying Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET Related Bugs

A Brilliant Way to Quote

Creating a Data Access Layer for Paging in SQL Server 2005 (Part 2)

ReSharper 3.1 Released (via Mike Gunderloy)

Design Principles To Live By: Encapsulate What Varies (via Arjan’s World)

Test Everything! – Test Your Website with Over 100 Tools (via DownloadSquad)

ASP.NET MVC and Accessing Server Controls in CodeBehind

Are You a Problem Solver or a Developer?

Web Hosts Offering ASP.NET 3.5

Microsoft Needs You to Build Emacs.Net (via Chris Sells)

MemAnalysis – A Native Memory Leak Analysis Tool (via Steve Pietrek)

Google Safe Browsing Library for .NET Beta 2 (via DotNetSlackers)

Spicebird: Mozilla-Based Outlook Clone with Collaboration Features (via DownloadSquad)

Foundations of Programming Part 7 (sorta) – ActiveRecord

MS Popfly Named on of PC World’s 25 Most Innovative Products of 2007 (via Adam Nathan)


Book of the Day


Daily Bits – December 25, 2007

Catching up on the last several days…

Don’t Run Production ASP.NET Apps with debug=”true” Enabled. (via DotNetKicks)

Some Great Entity Framework Guidance About Performance in Client Applications (via DotNetSlackers)

How To: New ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Video Screencasts (ScottHa)

Don’t Unit Test GUI (via Arjan’s World)

Microsoft Volta – oh my oh my (via DotNetKicks)

Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider (download)

Visual Studio Team System 2008 TFS Power Tools – Dec 2007 Release (download)

LINQ Quickly (book review)

Exception Handling Best Practices Part 1

XamlPadX v3.0 (download) (via DotNetKicks)

Read What Matters – AideRSS (service) (via Arjan’s World)


Book of the Day


Daily Bits – December 21, 2007 (Early Edition)

I’m posting this on the evening of the 20th because tomorrow I’m starting my holiday vacation. I probably will not be posting regularly again until January 2nd.

Foundations of Programming (Part 5) – Unit Testing

Choosing an API to Talk to the Entity Framework

How to Avoid Regression Bugs While Adding New Features (via CodeBetter)

Get a Free Copy of Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System by Sam Guckenheimer (via Public Sector Developer Weblog and DotNetSlackers)

LINQ ‘let’ Keyword (How Did I Miss That?) (via DotNetKicks)


Book of the Day: